Hotline: 630-833-7897 / 773-202-5324 [email protected]

L.C.M. Local Committee Member(s)

L.C.M. carries the District News to the meetings.

L.C.M. Local Committee Member(s): The LCM(s) have the important task of passing information spreading the word on what’s happening in A.A. locally, in the area and in the New York office to those groups that do not have GSRs. This means letting people know about:

  • Events taking place (locally and in the area)
  • How/what the district is doing
  • What took place at the last district meeting
  • District needs/opportunities, both financial and people-wise

  -How/what the Area is doing (this also includes GSO)

  • What took place at the last area meeting
  • area needs/opportunities, both financial and people-wise

This sharing of information should also include presenting local service opportunities, stressing the need for volunteers and continuing financial support, to local A.A. groups. The LCM’s should also carry feedback from the various groups about the individual group’s specific interest or concerns for presentation to the district committee. It is not the intent for the LCM and its volunteers to become the GSR’s for those meetings, but rather to suggest they get connected to AA as a whole by having one of their own.

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