June 28, 2019
Good morning,
A few things I thought I would share with you after last Saturday’s Assembly. First, it was great to see Karl, Jennifer, Mike, Leroy, Gary, Bob and Dennis! Along with Susan and I; you can feel really good about the impact D41 is having on our Area decision making. I have listed below the motions that were up for voting. The vote to seperate the Spring Assembly from the Spring Conference did not pass. The Motion from the PI committee regarding billboards was tabled because and all others passed. The reason PI (Public Information) decided to table was; adding up all the possible costs from the other motions Area did not have enough without going into our prudent reserve. I feel very strongly that had it not tabled, the billboard motion would have passed. It was simply the order in which we discussed and voted on the motions.
List of Motions presented:
Motion to separate the 2020 Spring Assembly from the Conference
PACE bus signage motion
AREA participation at ECRF ($5400) Motion
DISTRICT participation at ECRF ($5200) Motion
Finance Committee Motion
PI Committee motion for billboards
Robert, our Area Delegate gave a summary of the General Service Conference in NYC he attended in May. He will be at our September D41 GSR Committee Meeting to present the summary and answer any questions we have. Our September Meeting will be an open house; anyone is welcome to come on a regular basis but we can get the work out about Robert’s visit and talk about our D41 upcoming elections for 2020-2022 and see if we can get our committee chairs filled. I’ll send a flyer to you later this week.
What I am most struck by is that the PI motions regarding Google Grants, Ad words, LinkedIn, and YouTube all passed in NYC. Along with the Area PI motions, we really need to ready ourselves, our groups and our answering service for the wave of people looking for recovery to come our direction.
The Big Book Conference in early November is looking for panels to support it’s Promise’s theme. They are looking for groups to moderate and bring a panel of members to present at the Conference. I have the contact info for any group interested in taking part on the level at the Big Book Conference.
Last but not least, I have attached the flyers for the Workshops being held at Christ Church in July and August. All we need to do is show up :).
Thank you all for your service,
June 21, 2019
Good afternoon,
For those of you who were able to make it to last night D41 GSR and Committee meeting this quick review will not be too informative to you :). I have attached the Agenda to that meeting again because some of you had trouble opening the one in my previous email.
Most importantly; there is an Assembly tomorrow for our Area where eight motions will be reviewed and voted on. If you attend as a GSR or Committee Chair your personal vote counts at this Assembly. Otherwise it is just my DCM vote that will represent how the majority of groups in District 41 feel regarding each motion.
The Summer Assembly will be this Saturday, June 22nd.
Lord of Life Lutheran Church, 40W605 IL Rt 38, Elburn, IL 60119
Registration and light refreshments 8:00 to 9am. 9am to no later than 4:00pm will consist of a summary from our Area Delegate’s trip to the General Service Conference and breakout groups for GSR’s and Committee’s. Lunch is usually $10 on site (you can leave at lunch, too). After lunch will be the voting on the motions. These motions can be found attached to previous emails I have sent or at
aa-nia.org under NIA Agendas and Motions 2019 Spring Committee.
Last night we briefly discussed the struggle to cover so much info with you group as an acting GSR. Time for GSR reports don’t always allow for what may take upwards of half the meeting to present. I reminded everyone that, as a GSR, you are a trusted servant for your group. When you vote at the District or Area level, keep in mind the general values of your group members and vote to the best of your ability. A few District 41 members will be there tomorrow and we encourage you ro join us for part or all of the Assembly.
Last night we covered:
Accounting for District 41 and D41 Answering Service will begin to be reported in one spreadsheet on a monthly basis
Treatment Chair is now open along with many others
There are three upcoming Workshops that D41 will be associated with
Our D41 website has had lots of activity. We encourage you to check it out and help us build the one of the best tools we have to reach the alcoholic who still suffers
We are holding off on the purchase of Big Books discussed at our May meeting until after the Saturday Assembly
Next D41 GSR Committee meeting is July 18th, 7pm at the Elmhurst Presbyterian Church
Thank you, everyone, for your service!