Hotline: 630-833-7897 / 773-202-5324 [email protected]

Officer and Committee Reports and Pages

Note: Many of the officers and committees utilize the District file share (will display as a folder in your browser).  When viewing items on the file share, the third column has “Last modified date”.  Click the “Last Modified” column to adjust the sort to see our most items first.  Also note that folders will generally sort “above” files.

Officer Reports

  1. DCM – DCM meeting agendas and informational uploads.
  2. Secretary – Minutes from the monthly District Committee Meetings.
  3. Treasurer – See the secretary minutes.  It contains the monthly treasurer’s reports.


  1. Archive – Information saved by the District Archivist.  Note: Please refer to the Secretary minutes (above) for minutes from past years.
  2. Literature – Information about ordering AA literature.
  3. Web Tech – Periodic Status and Services provided by Web Tech.
  4. All Other Committees – Status and reporting for all other committees will be captured in the Secretary’s minutes as applicable.
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